Thursday, January 31, 2008

Soils introduction

Soil science is the study of soils through an integrated approach including physics, chemistry, and biology- all governed by waterflow. The chemical reactions which occur in the soil are in constant flux, and the greatest changes in the soil profile occur in the zone closest to the Earth’s surface. This zone is referred to as the rhizosphere, which literally means “root zone.”
In the rhizosphere, roots exude carbon compounds which are consumed by soil microbes. In turn, microbes alter the environment chemically, physically, and hydrogeologically.
Soil Solutions LLC conducts comprehensive soil analyses by interpreting the soil profile, at left. The formation of an individual solum is dependent on many factors, including parent material, climate, water regime, and time. By delving into the soil pit,
we can better elucidate soil depth, redoximorphic features, restrictive layers, mottling, porosity, root density and depth, soil water content, and a host of other criteria.
In conjunction with this, Soil Solutions LLC uses the best labs to analyze soil chemistry and biology.

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